The Skeptical Shaman

A Hollow Rhyme?-- SOLO

April 13, 2024 Rachel White Season 4 Episode 2

In this special, solo episode of The Skeptical Shaman podcast, host Rachel White (of TOTEM Readings) digs a bit further into The Business of Woo: the "industry" of psychics, shamans, energy workers, and yes-- even the dreaded, mythical "life coaches".

First up on the Business of Woo myth-busting list? Differentiation and branding. What is a brand? What is a differentiator? And how do these super duper corporate concepts come into play for a Woo-based business? 

What's more: how much should you pay someone for a "brand" or for help with you differentiating your offering in the marketplace? And what do these deliverables look like?

There are a lot of children playing "office" on social media, garnishing their word salad with these words in an effort to seem knowledgable against an intensely curated (and very expensive) backdrop of lifestyle flotsam and jetsam-- but are they experts? After all, the ubiquitous focus on "authenticity" and "sincerity" is reading a bit saccharine, don't you think? Or, as the brilliant Rick Rubin put it: "Sweetness made small. A hollow rhyme in a greeting card."

Don't be a hollow rhyme. Don't do what everyone else is doing. Don't indulge the urge to ugly cry on Instagram in the hopes of coming across as "sincere".  People are getting pretty good at smelling the proverbial manure from greater and greater distances. 

What's more: that's not a brand. That's not a differentiator. That's not a value proposition.

There's a less cringe way to brand and market, and guess what? It's pretty simple. You just need to put your big kid pants on for a minute and look at things objectively. And this The Business of Woo series is here to help!

Interested in working with Rachel in a coaching or mentoring capacity? Here are the links to learn more and/or book a free consultation to discuss:

Other links to learn more about TOTEM Readings and Rachel White:

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